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How do I get started?

Easy, you’ve already made the first step. All you have to do is get in touch so we can set up a one-on-one complimentary consultation to go over your fitness goals. I will make the process smooth and seamless.


Your consultation will include a physical assessment as well as a chance for us to get to know each other better.

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How many days a week do I need to workout?

This will depend on your availability, budget, and current goals. After your assessment I will create a plan and make a recommendation.


We can work around your budget, and if this requires some additional programming for you to do on your own time, I am happy to do so.

What should I eat before and after my workout?

As a certified nutrition coach, I can give you guidance on how to properly fuel your workouts. In addition to this I can give recommendations on how to meet your personal nutrition goals.


Get Fit with AM also offers nutrition packages available for purchase.

I’m scared that I am not “fit” enough for personal training.

We hear this more than you would think. Please do not have any fear. I have worked with people from all walks of life, and it is never too late or too early to prioritize your health. The benefit of working with me is I will customize all of your programming to meet your current fitness level, mobility / injury restrictions, and personal goals.


My friendly approach will be sure to make you feel at ease, while getting a great workout.

What is your coaching style?

The best way to describe my style is considerate and systematic. I care for my clients deeply and want them to achieve their very best, and the way I do this is with a bulletproof plan.


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